On Wednesday I was surprised by two incidents involving a Praying Mantis, within hours of each other. I am a person who is always open to ‘signs’ or guidance from unsusal circumstances. I look into things that happen to me or around me, and don’t really beleive in coincidences.
I find dimes, see herons and hawks, see things in numbers – especially 13, am held in awe of rainbows, and hearts that turn up in strangest of places – not just rocks but in my butter, in the drain, on a leaf, in a puddle.
On Wednesday morning, my friend Roze sent me a photo that was sent to her by her friend Karen, of a Praying Mantis by it’s nest. I couldn’t see the praying mantis in the photo and thought it was a bird nest until Roze pointed it out.
Later that morning, Eva and I went to my treatment where she was able to talk to the team at Lowell General Hospital and we got answers to some questions from the doctor there.
On our way back home, I was driving and looked over at Eva and saw a large praying mantis, wings fluttering in the wind, holding on for dear life to the passenger side window! Eva quickly took a photo and I asked her to look up the meaning and symbolism of seeing a praying mantis.
Here is what we found:
Overall, the praying mantis spirit animal is a symbol of patience, focus, strength, power, wisdom, and insight.
Meaning and Messages
Usually, Praying Mantis symbolism appears when we’ve flooded our lives with so much business, activity, or chaos that we can no longer hear the still small voice within us. Thus the Praying Mantis meaning insists that we take a step back. In other words, like the ‘Stick Bug,’ some simple meditation would be in order here because we need to quiet the external din that we have created. It is the only way that we can come back to our truth. This spirit animal will always come to us when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives.
Praying Mantis symbolism reminds you that you have the power to adopt to any situation, however painful. Take a deep breath and make the adjustments needed. The Praying Mantis meaning insists that you can do this!
People with the Praying Mantis totem have learned to take their time and live their lives at their silent pace. Furthermore, they never make any movement without careful thought or contemplation. Therefore, they know exactly where they are going and when they will get there. Even within this calm and serene environment, folks with this spirit animal totem are capable of quick and decisive action when an opportunity presents itself.
Folks with the Praying Mantis totem, tend to elevate the consciousness of others. They are gifted psychics that are willing to share their knowledge. They love to teach.
I feel this was just what I needed to hear at this time and am grateful for the opportunity to look inside of myself and be encouraged to find stillness and focus during this challenging time.
Praying Mantis