After the storm, Italy 2022
Six weeks out since the seizure and I am feeling so much better. I am back to what I would think is ‘baseline’ and doing very challenging projects at work. I am in the art studio frequently and that feels great.
They’ve put me on a drug called Kepra – 1,000mg twice a day – to prevent seizures. I also have a pill called Ativan, which I can take if I think I may be getting a seizure.
I’ve had different friends staying overnight with me for a month now. Different people evey few days. I have friends to take me shopping, to doctor’s appointments, to the hosptial for my clinical trial, to the market, and to do errands. It’s a lot, and it’s also been a lot to ask. A couple weeks ago I had reike and the last thing the practitioner said before I left was: “You are not a burden. Let your friends help. They want to help.”
I had my final clinical trial shot/infusion last week. Oddly, it didn’t feel like a milestone for some reason. Maybe it’s because I know I will be on chemo for a lot longer….maybe 6 more months, a year, or more. I did the clinical trial for 9 months though, and it should feel like a milestone. I have been getting punched in the arm, which is nauseating, since last September. I never thought the day would arrive that I would be done with it.
My next MRI will be April 15. I have no idea what is going on in my brain. I wish I could see inside there. I try to heal it by putting my hands on my head, eyes closed, and hoping. Every day is one day at a time. After I get the MRI, I will see the doctor and discuss next steps.
For now, I am feeling GREAT! There is the tinyest bit of apprehension when I say that because I never, ever, want to have another seizure. I do remember a lot about it. The worst part was the confusion afterward – not even understanding how to use my phone. Just a blank in my brain. But now, I am feeling so good. I literally have no complaints or issues.
I have to, again, say thank you to all the beautiful people who have shown up for me during this time, and the people who wanted to, but waited in the wings for an ‘assignment!’ I know you are there and I appreciate your poximity – whether near or far.